Heather and Joel, Golden Gate Bridge
This is my wife, Heather, and my nephew, Joel. Taken today, March 28, 2008, at Battery Spencer, overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge. One of my favorite photos that I’ve taken in a long time. It was a perfect day for taking photos. (View on Flickr)
Tiana #162 B/W
Tiana #162 B/W, Feb. 2008
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Tiana #170 B/W
Tiana #170 B/W, Feb. 2008
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More from the shoot with Tiana Hunter
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I shot with Tiana Hunter a couple weeks ago. I rented a studio in North Hollywood, which turned out to be nothing more than a space in one of those industrial parks. A big empty concrete space. It was one of those rare cold, rainy days in southern California, and the studio was freezing inside. The tiny space heater barely warmed Tiana if she strayed more than a couple feet from it. It was also her second shoot of the day, after having just arrived in town from New York that day. So she was cold and I’m sure a little tired, but she was a real trooper.
Since there was no natural lighting in the place, I used strobes for the whole shoot. After using mostly natural light on my last couple shoots, I didn’t enjoy using strobes as much as I used to. I found it difficult to find a groove with all the breaks for lighting setup and fiddling with lights in between shots.
Anyway, overall it was a great shoot. Tiana is a fun, wonderful model and a real sweetheart. I hope to shoot with her again in a daylight studio, maybe on her next trip to L.A.
Update: There are several photos from the shoot on my Flickr account. To view them, you’ll need to have a Flickr account and turn off “safe search.”
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