Canon 5D is officially awesome
I know you’ve been waiting breathlessly for my first published Canon 5D photos. Well, wait no longer, my friend, because here it is. Marvel at my impressive photographer skills.
Click on the image and check out the larger sizes. This is ISO 640, folks. Am I just blind with love for my new 5D, or is there relatively very little noise to be seen? Love it, love it, love it.
By the way, these guys live on my desk at work, along with my beloved Dwight Schrute bobble head. Gargamel, as usual, is up to no good. Azrael, ever the flunky, plays right along, ignorant of the inevitable consequences of her evil. This photo was snapped right before Dwight came in and kicked Gargamel’s ass with some amazing Schrute Fu. (Hey, it was Friday.)
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